Alchemy for the Soulful Woman

For women like you, who feel numb, disconnected & off path. Tools to help you align with your soul purpose, essence and creative vision, so that you can lead a life that feels embodied, empowered & delicious

Womb Oracle • Channel • Activator • Coach • Healer 

Hello Beloved,

I’m Andrea, I help women like you to feel safe enough to feel more embodied, safe enough to connect with your wombspace and empowered enough, to find your SOUL PURPOSE & expression, by creating delicious connections to your womb + body wisdom.

I am a womb alchemist and activator - helping you to feel lighter, more grounded and more present for yourself, with an innate ability to commune with your womb as muse + guide. Freeing you up to be the VERY best version of you - creative, embodied, Sovereign as Sacred Woman.


I have travelled these pathways of soul healing & remembrance for many years. I share the tools with you, which have guided me best & inspired me the most.

Are You a Woman…

  • Awakening to yourself but haven't yet found your direction?

  • Feeling a deep inner yearning & calling to clear your inner woundings & traumas, the core pieces that bind you to a life less than you imagined?

  • Who identifies with feminine woundings - mother, sister, witch, priestess?

  • Who senses ancestral strands, culture, heritage that are calling for your awareness and healing - you sense the restriction & are ready to re-write your own personal narrative?

  • Are you feeling called to make a real change to this world ~ you see a world where feminine leadership is being called for & you desire with your heart, to be part of this movement for change?

  • Ready to call in more serving relationships, ones that truly fulfil you & light you up?

  • Beginning to understand the flow of energy, & that you don't wish to pass your trauma patterns onto future generations?

  • Ready to dive into a deep connection with yourself, your personal power, your sexuality & sensuality?

  • Who is beginning to understand the of power of your bleeds, your cycle & womb & would dearly love to embrace this aspect more fully in your life?



How I can support your journey as it unfolds

Lived Experience

The woman/women I describe above? It's me, it's my lived experience. So whilst our stories might not be identical, over 25 years I have learnt a lot. And I want your journey to be swifter & more easeful because you are needed right now, showing up as the beautiful radiant being that you actually are, underneath the life experience.

Holding Space

There's a lot of talk currently about holding space, but what does that actually mean? For me, it's about getting out of my own way, not connecting into the drama, being energetically clear, grounded & fully present in my womb/pelvis. I have an ability to hold deep, grounded, sacred space where you will feel held, supported, nurtured & witnessed in all your messiness ~ no judgement, period.

Creating Safety

Safety is paramount, if we don't feel safe, if our nervous system response is not acknowledged, it's difficult to trust the process, ourselves & what we "feel" in our bodies ~ the felt sense. Allowing the body to lead is key & I am adept at that. In the past year, I have found that the slower I work, the deeper we can get, because the body can feel safe to reveal & feel heard, as it begins to soften, open & share its story.

Energy Reading

I'm a natural clairsentient, empath and energy reader. I allow my mind to quieten, I ask deeply searching questions, born out of curiosity. As the questions land and answers arise, your energy field begins to open into deeper layers, this allows me to tap into and “read” the flow of your consciousness (energy). We can then follow the "threads", feel into which are active, which need to be teased out a little more, so that we can delve into the “core” woundings, because that my love, is where the greatest transformations can happen.

Multi-Modality & Multi-Dimensional

I have a vast array of tools & modalities at my finger tips ~ energy medicine, womb healing, holistic pelvic care, womb awakening facilitation, somatic bodywork & feminine embodiment coaching ~ all woven together into a delicious blend curated uniquely for you. We call in our allies, guides, teachers & the ancestors, as I channel aspects of higher self, your blueprint and higher dimensional teachers. It’s powerful, it’s transformational and usually there is a sense of lightness, calm, groundedness, womb connection & peace.

You’re getting a full body YES, but you’d like a lot more personal accountability, cheerleading, someone who’s happy to dance in the shadow space with you?

would you like a private 1:1 3 month journey?

Explore My Work

  • Working with Andrea was part of a huge emotional, creative and spiritual shift for me. After our womb healing sessions, I was fully able to let go of the internal fear that had been holding me back my whole life. I went in to the sessions looking for support with a specific health protocol but came out a totally new woman: braver, more empowered by my feminine energy, more connected to myself and my purpose. Andrea taught me how to find genuine stillness and reflection in myself. Andrea works in a totally bespoke way, tailored to you. I am so grateful to her for supporting me on my journey.
    goes here x

    MP : womb alchemy

  • Andrea’s magical gifts have given me the courage to realise I’m important at a point in my life where to others I would appear to be fine but internally I felt lost and unsafe. She gave me the courage to listen to what my body is telling me and to love and trust it.

    I've been able to confront my past trauma and to start the healing I needed to move forward. She was able to tune in and ask me the questions I was too ashamed to face, but without facing them I would be eternally stuck. She has given me the tools to help myself, my soul and my body.

    Kayte Genders: Feminine Embodiment 

  • It's with a very full and grateful heart that I'm feeling this is a good time to close our sessions for now. I feel that I can navigate the next steps of my journey with my womb... A true testimony to our work together, that I am able to say that :) It certainly feels like a new part of myself has been unlocked, and I'm just getting started exploring it.

    Thank you for helping me to enter this new phase of my life, for being my companion into the deep and dark places within that I was afraid of facing. It's hard to describe, but I feel more embodied in a new dimension. It's like the beauty of life has become more available to me, or maybe it's the other way around. I'm also learning what safety in the body feels like - the trauma-informed approach you take has been really helpful. An amazing development is that my bleed seems to be coming more frequently, in response to this work. Thank you so much  

    LS: embodiment + womb alchemy

  • Yesterday I experienced another profound healing. I arrived carrying a heavy backpack of icky, uurrrgghhh. I left feeling free, soft, flowing, easeful & deeply trustingin the magic of life again. When Andrea works on my body, it's like pure love is being poured into the places that call for it. I have cultivated a relationship of trust, truth and love which is conveyed in the depth of the healing I've received. Andrea's roots are as deep as her branches are high. I can not recommend her enough for this work

    Amelia Griffiths: Womb Alchemy & Holistic Pelvic Care 

  • “I'm able to access "me" in a way I've never done before. You’ve enabled me to have a direct line of communication with my most sacred self. I thought being in touch with my feminine side would just make me weak. How wrong I was. It has made me stronger than I ever imagined. I'm becoming more of my authentic self. I know that's very cliché these days, but when you actually feel it, it is the only way to describe it. You have made me feel so good about myself “

    V Turner: somatic bodywork + holistic pelvic care

  • “I’m so grateful, it was magical. Wow. Finding my ribs was amazing, and the tension into my shoulders was crazy…so much releasing… I knew I had to do it xx”

    Kerry Hales: Tending the Solar Plexus (mini workshop)

  • I want to thank you so much for holding that safe space for me. You reassured me when I needed it and opened up the space to let go when I needed to… so from my part you held that level beautifully for me… thank you, I’m feeling lifted for sure. It’s like I go to find the negative energy I held before and I just can’t find it… there’s a new openness and light now. It feels strange but really really good… a new space to now sit with… and I’m looking forward to feeling into these new feels…

    It was quite something!!! And definitely massive, can’t wait to see what else unravels for you. It’s all very beautiful indeed x

    KC: somatic bodywork/karmic healing with shamanic drum work