FAQ’s: Pregnancy Massage
HI, thought I’d begin my blogging life with some useful FAQ’s about each of the treatments I offer. Please ask a question, like, share or feel free to engage☺
FAQ’s and Benefits! – there’s ample evidence out there, but to be safe I’m going to add some links so you can check out the research…..
- Increases relaxation and reduces stress
- Reduced stress means lowered anxiety
- Less anxiety means your able to breath deeper and your diaphragm will be mobile
- Deeper breathing means baby gets more oxygen
- Baby therefore gets optimal nutrients via your blood and placenta
- Baby therefore is likely to be healthier
- Baby is likely to be of a better birthweight
- You and baby will be chilled
- THEREFORE: more oxytocin released, less need for interventions, less need for pain relief as your releasing your own natural endorphins, and a shorter, natural birth
* It is recommended that to reap the greatest benefits from massage in pregnancy and labour, you have them regularly and then form part of your prenatal care *
With love x