What is Holistic Pelvic Care?
This is a beautiful blend of intra-vaginal massage & energy reading of the pelvic bowl. The pelvic bowl is the area between the pubic bone (Mound of Venus), the tip of the left hip, the sacrum and the tip of the right hip. As developed by Tami Lynn Kent author of “Wild Feminine”. This is a non-sexual, non-erotic massage. It is NOT a yoni massage.
This is sacred area within the ‘female’ body ~ it is the jewel in the crown, the home of our Divine Feminine energies and within sits the yoni (Sanskrit for the outer & inner reproductive organs, including the labia, vulva, vagina, cervix, womb, fallopian tubes & ovaries). This is THE creative/procreative area within our bodies and yet for many women, there is a sense of disconnection.
HPC is the medicine for which we yearn; the conduit for allowing us to begin to listen to this place and drink up her medicine. The inner feminine landscape ~ our core/root space.
On a physical level it involves evaluation by internal and external palpation, muscular contraction & release and mapping the pelvic floor muscles. Trigger point work & myofascial release work (MFR) are used to address pelvic dysfunction such as prolapse, pelvic pain, pelvic imbalance & congestion. Restoring balance helps to create optimum (reproductive/menstrual) health.
On an energetic level we consider your ability to be fully present in this space. We look at the core energy patterns within the bowl ~ scarcity, lack of, too much, not enough, distrust of the masculine/feminine, ancestral lineage, our ability to be able to create/procreate and your ability to make this manifest. The bowl is the area in our female body where we hold core wounding and emotional scars. We can hold trauma patterns as if they happened only yesterday. Or we may have failed to understand the capacity of the womb to both hold & to release energy and so these “events” sit as a signature of our life experience, causing congestion & poor energy flow. A gloved, lubricated index finger is gently inserted, with no agenda, other than to act as guide. By breath, awareness, intention, presence & imagery, we can start to shift these patterns, helping to transform the bowl into a vibrant space of creation & manifestation.