Root Medicine | Womb Massage Therapy
Awakening women to their creative energy & align with clarity, purpose & direction to their soul purpose
holistic pelvic care, womb massage, feminine embodiment, womb communion
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What is Womb Massage Therapy?


A nourishing blend of modalities: massage, pulsing, trigger point therapy, acupressure, reflexology & rebozo, energy work, visualisation & abdominal-sacral massage. When combined, they work together, creating a treatment that encourages you to reconnect with your body, your womb & your heart. This heart~womb connection is important for ALL women. So many of us can be experiencing a loss & disconnection from the scared space of the womb. This may be the result of taking the contraceptive pill, we can then loose the wisdom of the outer & inner seasons of the menstrual cycle. Experience has taught me that many of us never experienced a positive Menarche (first bleed), or we experienced early trauma, or painful bleeds & we were told “that’s just how it is”, adding to the disconnect.


This is an invitation into a journey, a journey of healing of YOUR heart & wombspace.


WMT is a non-invasive, gentle & yet deep massage covering the upper & lower abdomen and digestive area, from the diaphragm to just above the pubic bone and the upper & lower back and glutes. We work over the conception vessel (Ren), the Mother Line, the lower chakras, & around the pelvic bowl.


We sink in deeply, with respect & honouring, we support, we hold, we nurture, we nourish, we witness, and when tears flow you are given the space to let go into your vulnerability, knowing there is no judgement and that you will be held.


The essence of this work is to nurture and nourish, and you will receive deep levels of relaxation. Treatments end with wrapping of the head, pelvis & feet with Rebozo scarves. The experience has been described as “transformational”, “a coming home”, “like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon”. Akin to “Closing of the Bones” ceremony ~ this brings you back into Self, back into Body, Back into Soul. ~ a soul restoration.


You may be experiencing any of the following:
Painful periods, heavy bleeds, irregular bleeds, no bleeds, PCOS, PCO, endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, polyps, miscarriage, baby loss, termination, sexual trauma, birth trauma, disconnection from sexuality, low libido. In all these cases, emotional support & a listening touch are central to this work.

You May Experience Any Of The Following…


Benefits may include a more regulated cycle, less pain, better flow, less clotting. The digestive system is stimulated meaning an improved elimination & detoxification. The liver (the organ which clears out excess oestrogen) is supported. As most of the immune system cells are in the digestive tract, it seems likely that immune system response is improved/regulated. Regular castor oil packs, self-massage & yoni steaming continue to support this process as an at home practise. Stress level/nervous system responses are calmed & reset. Other benefits may be improved circulation. Scar tissue is broken down and congestive issues rebalanced.


As part of this work I also consider the energetics of your birth and that of your mother; how you were welcomed into the world as a menstruating female; family patterns & dynamics.


Developed & founded by Clare Spink ( over many years as a practitioner & naturopath supporting womb health & well-being

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